Sunday Bulletin and Mass Intentions

The Sacred Heart R.C. Church

Queens Avenue, Tunstall,  ST6 6EE

 Saint Joseph’s R.C. Church                                           

Hall Street, Burslem, ST6 4BB

Parish Priest:  Fr. R. K. George                                     

Parish Secretariat: Carol Critchlow

Office hours: Wed, Thurs, and Fri 10 am to 2 pm 

 13 Queen’s Avenue, Tunstall, ST6 6EE 

 01782 838357                             

 The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdioceses policies & procedures at all times. Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives are Kathryn Barnett and Ellen Churchill. They can be contacted at: and  or alternatively the Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted on 0121 230 6240/ if you have any concern.

Church Calendar 

6th Oct Altar Servers training before mass 10am 

6th Oct CAFOD Second Collection 

7th Oct Fast for Peace* 

13th Oct Family Mass at Sacred Heart 

17th Oct St Wilfrid’s at mass at Sacred Heart 

20th Oct Missio Second Collection 

27th Oct PPC Meeting* 

2nd Nov Bonfire Night Event St Joseph’s* 

3rd Nov Johnson Association Second Collection 

9th Nov Family Mass St Joseph’s

* Additional information in the bulletin

Weekday Masses at Sacred Heart, with the exception of Masses where we are joined by the schools, will be held in the Chapel. Enter via the back entrance of the church.


Please Pray for the Repose of the Souls of our departed family members and parishioners, especially: Doreen Bradbury, Margaret Jones, Jean Harding, Angela Dudley Mary Woolrich, Julia Cumberlidge, Stanley Deakin, Kenneth Holmes, John Thompson, Sarah Margaret Mary McGreevy, Andrew Hall and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May their souls rest in peace. Amen.


Pope’s Prayer Intention for October 2024 

For a shared mission We pray that the Church continue to sustain in all ways a synodal lifestyle, as a sign of co-responsibility, promoting the participation, the communion and the mission shared among priests, religious and lay people.

Hospital Chaplaincy Team

The Royal Stoke Chaplaincy team can be reached on 01782 676400. You will need to specify that it is the Catholic Chaplain that you want.

Are you an adult interested in being baptised or received into the Catholic Church? Please contact the Parish Office for more information.


Sacred Heart
Friday 10.00 am – 10.30 am (During Adoration)

Sunday 10.00 am – 10.20 am

St Joseph’s
Wednesday 5.00 pm – 5.50 pm (During Adoration)

Saturday 4.30 pm - 4.50 pm

Eucharistic Adoration and Rosary

Sacred Heart

Friday 10.00 am – 10.30 am
St Joseph’s
Wednesday 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm

Children at Mass

We are running an attendance competition at both churches for all the under 16 year olds. All children please remember to write your names each week in the book at the back of church. Prizes will be handed out at the CHRISTMAS VIGIL Mass





Potto Lotto All money raised through the Potto Lotto is going towards Sacred Heart Presbytery running costs. Remember to nominate Sacred Heart, Tunstall so we receive 50p of every £ donated.

St Joseph’s Car Park

The car park at the back of St Joseph’s, accessed via Pack Horse Lane (ST6 4BA), will be open for the Saturday Mass from 4pm to 6.30pm.

Parish foodbank

The Parish foodbank is open on Tuesdays 11am to 2pm, no referral required. 

All Readers

Bidding prayers are now available on the website.

New Deanery website The deanery now has a new website where you can find information on local churches and their mass times, priests, newsletters etc.

Mass Intentions We have received a lot of mass intentions and spaces are filling up quickly. All future booked Masses can be seen on the new website, on the same page as the bulletin. Bookings are entered in the order they arrive on the office desk. If you have booked a mass and don’t see it on the website, please contact the office.






New Lectionary Advent 2024

All Catholic Churches in the UK will be changing to a new Lectionary starting from the First Sunday Advent 2024. Both Churches will need copies. 




Baptism and Marriage

If you are interested in either of these sacraments, please note we require evidence of practice. Attendance cards are now available at the back of church.


Parish foodbank Many thanks to all those who have donated food and money to support the food bank over the past 3 years. At the moment our stocks are running very low. We feed approximately 40 people per week. Please consider bringing 1 non-perishable food item each week and depositing it in the basket which is located in the foyer of both Churches. Thank You 

A BIG Thank You to all who have supported any of the St Joseph's Centenary fundraising events, film nights, car boot sales, tombola's, raffles, and Southport day trip. We have lots more events planned to which you are all most welcome to attend. Watch this space. 

Any Experts? Does anyone have expertise in the following: Scaffolding, Tree felling, Building Maintenance, Painting and decorating? Please let any of the Stewards at St Joseph's know, Thank You.

PPC Meeting
We will be having a Parish Pastoral Council meeting after mass on the 27th October at Sacred Heart. All parishioners are invited to attend.

Bonfire Night
Saturday 2nd November after mass we will be having a Bonfire Night event over at St Joseph’s Burslem. Adults £5, Children £3. Under 5’s Free. Food and drink is not included in the admission cost.





Appeal for the Churches

Sacred Heart, Tunstall

Tea and Coffee mornings after mass. Could you spare some time to help prepare tea and coffee after mass. It is a great opportunity to socialise after Mass and for us all to get to know one another.

Could you spare some time to help with the gardening? 


Sacred Heart and St Joseph’s

Are you a driver, with access to a car that regularly comes to mass? Would you be willing to take communion to housebound and ill parishioners (subject to successful DBS check and training)?

Fundraising – both Churches require funds.  If you have any ideas and are willing to help on any of our fundraising opportunities, please let us know. Both churches are trying raffles, tombola’s, car boot sales, day trips and anything else we can think of. For these to work, we need volunteers to help organise, donations of items we can use and parishioners willing to play and spend. Please do support as many of these initiatives as possible.


New Lectionary’s

Thank you to our very kind parishioners who have agreed to sponsor the New Lectionary’s at Sacred Heart, Tunstall and St Joseph’s, Burslem. We have been able to cover the entire cost.



“Volunteers aren’t free, they are priceless!”

Deanery and Diocese News

The Holy Father asks that Monday 7 October, the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, should be a day of fasting and prayer for peace in the world. The Holy Father wants as many as possible can participate in this action, calling for the gift of peace wherever there is conflict.
In addition, the Holy Father will recite the Holy Rosary on Sunday at the Basilica of Sta Maria Maggiore. It may be opportune to invite your parishioners to do the same this coming Sunday, invoking Our Lady Queen of Peace, and uniting their prayer with that of the Pope.

Deanery Forum: It is now 14 months since we met together to hear the Visitation Report of our Deanery. At that time, it was recognized that ongoing reflection and discernment were a necessary part of future planning. As part of that process, it has been suggested that we meet again as a Deanery for a Deanery Forum. The invitation for this event is open to all but it would be good if all parish key workers; clergy, administrators/secretaries, church wardens, MCs and senior servers, choir masters, members of parish groups and sodalities, finance committee members, etc. could attend. The Forum will take place at Holy Trinity Parish Centre, Newcastle on Tuesday 22nd October at 7pm. It would be good to see as many people as possible attend.

Opportunities with the Archdiocese and other organisations

Marriage Care Trustees The board of Catholic Marriage Care are seeking new members to join them in enabling the vital relationship support services they provide to the Catholic Community and beyond. Marriage Care are the largest faith-based relationship support charity in the UK - providing marriage preparation, support, and low-cost relationship counselling to those in need and making the world of difference to couples and families.  



Live Simply

Enjoy your surroundings. As we journey through spring and into the summer, trees are starting to blossom, flowers are opening up and days are longer. So make the most of it and go outside and appreciate the wonders of God’s creation. You could try bird watching or have a go at identifying plants. Alternatively just make a lovely cup of tea, find a bench and enjoy the view!

Live Sustainably

Reduce your use of aeroplanes. Aviation is the most polluting mode of transport. As you plan your holidays for the summer and the rest of the year, why not challenge yourself to avoid planes? You could make your trip into a roadtrip with stops along the way. Alternatively, consider using trains or coaches or holiday within the UK to reduce your environmental footprint.

Live in Solidarity

Become a better listener. We can get so caught up in the busyness of our lives that we fail to listen attentively to the needs of others and the needs of the planet. Make a conscious effort this month to listen to people like they are the only person in the world. And listen actively to news that you hear with a fresh mind.

For more information or to get involved in climate action in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, please contact




Preparing for the new edition Lectionary this Advent 


Booking now open for online refresher programme for Ministers of the Word 

A new edition of the Lectionary will come into use in England and Wales on the First Sunday of Advent, 1 December.

To prepare for Advent, it will be helpful for ministers to explore and become familiar with what is ‘new’ in the new edition - for example, the translation and layout, and also consider some of the Lectionary’s less familiar resources that can help with the more effective ministry of the Word in our parishes, schools and other communities.

 A (free!) refresher programme for ministers is being offered online in two sessions from 3-4pm on Sunday 13 and Sunday 20 October. It is limited to 40 participants.

 The first session focuses on ministry and the Word and the second focuses on the Lectionary itself and strategies to promote Scripture in parish life. ­


Thank you!

One Stop Shop Packmoor

Thank you to the One Stop Shop Packmoor, for their very kind donation of Easter Eggs for all the Parish children.

This Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Registered Charity 235216.

Booked Mass Intentions for Sacred Heart and St Joseph's

As of the 3rd October 2024, here are all the booked Mass Intentions coming up. 

If you know you have booked a Mass and it is not showing please do contact the parish office.

If masses are cancelled, the mass intention will be moved to the first available mass at your chosen church

October and November and December are filling up very quickly

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